(set: $eastInspected to false)
(set: $westInspected to false)
(set: $elevatorInspected to false)
(set: $currentLocation to false)
(set: $universe to 'original')
(set: $universeCount to 0)
(set: $cardThrown to false)
(set: $cardThrownTest to false)
(set: $boarded to false)
(set: $firstTime to true)
(set: $readCount to 0)
(set: $asked to false)
(set: $approached to false)
(set: $destiny to false)
(set: $objects to (a: 'announcementBoard', 'adBoard', 'noticeBoard', 'poster', 'tracks', 'article', 'gospelTract', 'oldWoman' ))
(set: $eastExit to (a: 'announcementBoard', 'tracks', 'gospelTract'))
(set: $westExit to (a: 'adBoard', 'noticeBoard', 'tracks'))
(set: $elevator to (a: 'poster', 'tracks', 'oldWoman'))
(set: $baseList to (a: 'Chai Tea Latte', 'Organic Mint Mocha', 'White Flat Latte', 'Citrus Infused Cappuccino', 'Organic Chai Latte', 'Sweet Vanilla Mocha', 'Half Roasted Cappuccino', 'Vanilla Bean Mocha', 'Salted Caramel Latte', 'Dark Chocolate Mocha', 'Green Tea Latte'))
(set: $milkList to (a: 'Full Cream', 'Soy Milk', 'Half and Half', 'Fat Free', 'Half Cream', 'Half Soy', 'Oat Milk', 'Almond Milk', 'Quarter Cream'))
(set: $extraList to (a: 'Shaken Not Stirred', 'Stirred Not Shaken', 'No Whip', 'Extra Whip', 'Extra Foam', 'Half Whip', 'Extra Hot', 'Triple Shot', 'Crushed And Shaken', 'Double Shot'))
(set: $wigsList to (a: "Wigs", "Bullets", "Furniture", "Dentures", "Cars", "Plants"))
(set: $recruitmentList to (a: "Join Us", "Join Now", "Join The Cause", "Do Your Part"))
(set: $fundamentalsList to (a: "Suicide and Immortality", "Nondualism and Western Logic", "Immortality via Suicide", "Nondualism in Western Logic"))
(set: $introductionList to (a: "Quarks and Colour Dynamics", "Partons and Color Dynamics", "Colloudial Liquids and Rigidity", "Colloudial Solutions and Rigidity", "Vesitge Foraging and Ergonomical Farming", "Vesitgual Foraging and Ergonomics Farming"))
(set: $qnaList to (a: "Gilarian S. Eengfor", "Gilarian E. Ingfore", "Herbet E. Fington", "Sherbet E. Flington", "Roserale Mustard", "Roserael Mustord"))
(set: $screeningList to (a: "The Vocation of Man", "A Sound of Thunder", "A Clap of Thunder", "The Vocation for Man", "Right of Wehrzenstein", "Rite of Wehrzenstein"))
(set: $marketList to (a: "Plastics and Tungsten", "Plastics and Nickel", "Tungsten and Nickel", "Benzine and Tungsten", "Plastics and Benzine", "Benzine and Nickel"))
(set: $newList to (a: "Old", "New"))
(set: $exitList to (a: "East", "West"))
(set: $kidsList to (a: "Development and Design", "Developing Design", "Designing the Future", "Designing Within", "Design Economics", "Development Economics"))
(set: $peopleList to (a: "People's", "Citizen's", "Heartlander's", "Peoples", "Citizens", "Heartlanders"))
(set: $causeList to (a: "harmonious", "wishful", "hopeful", "kind", "healthy", "finite"))
(set: $effectList to (a: "grace", "kindness", "harmony", "health", "fortune", "desire"))
(set: $artistsList to (a: "Mellow", "GX32", "Ramen Monsters", "Ramen Disco", "Loath & Places", "Heartlanders", "New Generation Madness", "Dolphins Are Fish", "Reality Dealors", "Generation Decay"))
(set: $onthetracksList to (a: "doll", "paper plane", "ball", "stuffed toy", "receipt", "sweet wrapper", "newspaper", "flyer"))
(set: $estateList to (a: "Harmony Mansions", "Equits Condominium", "New Green Harmony", "Chonminhu Apartments", "Jose Parks View", "Hill Morning", "The Manor", "Glory Condominium", "Harmony Apartments", "West Greens"))
(set: $fruitList to (a: "Durians", "Mangosteens", "Curstard Apples", "Grapes", "Citrus Fruits", "Jackfruits"))
(set: $illegalitemList to (a: "Flammable Solutions", "Colloudial Solutions", "Rinestones", "Jacked Ornates", "Rimmstones", "Jack Ornaments"))
(set: $stolenList to (a: "eraser", "pencil", "penny", "wildflower", "pen", "sweet"))
(set: $paradiseList to (a: "Paradise", "Heaven", "The End", "Eternity", "Father", "The Kingdom"))
(set: $churchList to (a: "Paradise Homes", "New Generation Church", "Filled Hearts Institution", "Next Generation Church", "New Generation Witnesses", "The Kingdom House"))
(set: $myDrink to false)
(set: $drink to false)
(set: $college to false)
(set: $artists to false)
(set: $wigs to false)
(set: $discount to false)
(set: $recruitment to false)
(set: $fundamentals to false)
(set: $introduction to false)
(set: $qna to false)
(set: $screening to false)
(set: $market to false)
(set: $kids to false)
(set: $onthetracks to false)
(set: $people to false)
(set: $new to false)
(set: $exit1 to false)
(set: $exit2 to false)
(set: $cause to false)
(set: $effect to false)
(set: $social to false)
(set: $fruit to false)
(set: $illegalitem to false)
(set: $stolen to false)
(set: $paradise to false)
(set: $church to false)
(set: $estate1 to false)
(set: $estate2 to false)
(set: $estate3 to false)
(set: $estate4 to false)
(set: $estate5 to false)
(set: $estate6 to false)
(set: $cardThrownOG to false)
(set: $drinkOG to false)
(set: $collegeOG to false)
(set: $artistsOG to false)
(set: $wigsOG to false)
(set: $discountOG to false)
(set: $recruitmentOG to false)
(set: $fundamentalsOG to false)
(set: $introductionOG to false)
(set: $qnaOG to false)
(set: $screeningOG to false)
(set: $marketOG to false)
(set: $kidsOG to false)
(set: $onthetracksOG to false)
(set: $peopleOG to false)
(set: $newOG to false)
(set: $exit1OG to false)
(set: $exit2OG to false)
(set: $causeOG to false)
(set: $effectOG to false)
(set: $socialOG to false)
(set: $fruitOG to false)
(set: $illegalitemOG to false)
(set: $stolenOG to false)
(set: $paradiseOG to false)
(set: $churchOG to false)
(set: $estate1OG to false)
(set: $estate2OG to false)
(set: $estate3OG to false)
(set: $estate4OG to false)
(set: $estate5OG to false)
(set: $estate6OG to false)
(set: $drink to (text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList)))
(set: $college to (either: ...$collegeList))
(set: $artistsList to (shuffled: ...$artistsList))
(set: $artists to (text: $artistsList's 1st + ', ' + $artistsList's 2nd + ', ' + $artistsList's 3rd + ' and ' + $artistsList's 4th))
(set: $wigs to (either: ...$wigsList))
(set: $discount to (random: 10,90))
(set: $recruitment to (either: ...$recruitmentList))
(set: $fundamentals to (either: ...$fundamentalsList))
(set: $introduction to (either: ...$introductionList))
(set: $qna to (either: ...$qnaList))
(set: $screening to (either: ...$screeningList))
(set: $market to (either: ...$marketList))
(set: $kids to (either: ...$kidsList))
(set: $onthetracksList to (shuffled: ...$onthetracksList))
(set: $onthetracks to (text: $onthetracksList's 1st + ', a ' + $onthetracksList's 2nd + ', and a ' + $onthetracksList's 3rd))
(set: $people to (either: ...$peopleList))
(set: $new to (either: ...$newList))
(set: $exitList to (shuffled: ...$exitList))
(set: $exit1 to $exitList's 1st)
(set: $exit2 to $exitList's 2nd)
(set: $cause to (either: ...$causeList))
(set: $effect to (either: ...$effectList))
(set: $social to (either: ...$effectList))
(set: $fruit to (either: ...$fruitList))
(set: $illegalitem to (either: ...$illegalitemList))
(set: $stolen to (either: ...$stolenList))
(set: $paradise to (either: ...$paradiseList))
(set: $church to (either: ...$churchList))
(set: $estateList to (shuffled: ...$estateList))
(set: $estate1 to $estateList's 1st)
(set: $estate2 to $estateList's 2nd)
(set: $estate3 to $estateList's 3rd)
(set: $estate4 to $estateList's 4th)
(set: $estate5 to $estateList's 5th)
(set: $estate6 to $estateList's 6th)
(set: $universe to 'random')
(set: $cardThrown to false)
(set: $asked to false)
(set: $drinkOG to $drink)
(set: $collegeOG to $college)
(set: $artistsOG to $artists)
(set: $wigsOG to $wigs)
(set: $discountOG to $discount)
(set: $recruitmentOG to $recruitment)
(set: $fundamentalsOG to $fundamentals)
(set: $introductionOG to $introduction)
(set: $qnaOG to $qna)
(set: $screeningOG to $screening)
(set: $marketOG to $market)
(set: $kidsOG to $kids)
(set: $onthetracksOG to $onthetracks)
(set: $peopleOG to $people)
(set: $newOG to $new)
(set: $exit1OG to $exit1)
(set: $exit2OG to $exit2)
(set: $causeOG to $cause)
(set: $effectOG to $effect)
(set: $socialOG to $social)
(set: $fruitOG to $fruit)
(set: $illegalitemOG to $illegalitem)
(set: $stolenOG to $stolen)
(set: $paradiseOG to $paradise)
(set: $churchOG to $church)
(set: $estate1OG to $estate1)
(set: $estate2OG to $estate2)
(set: $estate3OG to $estate3)
(set: $estate4OG to $estate4)
(set: $estate5OG to $estate5)
(set: $estate6OG to $estate6)
(set: $drink to $drinkOG)
(set: $college to $collegeOG)
(set: $artists to $artistsOG)
(set: $wigs to $wigsOG)
(set: $discount to $discountOG)
(set: $recruitment to $recruitmentOG)
(set: $fundamentals to $fundamentalsOG)
(set: $introduction to $introductionOG)
(set: $qna to $qnaOG)
(set: $screening to $screeningOG)
(set: $market to $marketOG)
(set: $kids to $kidsOG)
(set: $onthetracks to $onthetracksOG)
(set: $people to $peopleOG)
(set: $new to $newOG)
(set: $exit1 to $exit1OG)
(set: $exit2 to $exit2OG)
(set: $cause to $causeOG)
(set: $effect to $effectOG)
(set: $social to $socialOG)
(set: $fruit to $fruitOG)
(set: $illegalitem to $illegalitemOG)
(set: $stolen to $stolenOG)
(set: $paradise to $paradiseOG)
(set: $church to $churchOG)
(set: $estate1 to $estate1OG)
(set: $estate2 to $estate2OG)
(set: $estate3 to $estate3OG)
(set: $estate4 to $estate4OG)
(set: $estate5 to $estate5OG)
(set: $estate6 to $estate6OG)
(set: $universe to 'original')
(set: $cardThrown to (either: true, false))
(set: $cardThrownTest to (cond: $cardThrown, true, false))
}It reads:
Please take note that New Keno Station will be undergoing renovation work from 19/2 to 21/2.
Hence, $exit1 exit will be closed. Please make use of $exit2 exit.
Kuroshi metro thanks you for your co-operation and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
A $cause Kuroshi makes for $effect.
[[- end of announcement - ->Announcements]]
It reads:
In celebration of Heartland Appreciation Week, fare prices will be halved between:
0630 to 0900
Furthermore, last train departure will be extended by an hour.
Last Train Departure: 0130
Remember to greet your fellow Heartlanders with $social and courtesy.
A $cause Kuroshi makes for $effect.
[[- end of announcement - ->Announcements]]It reads:
Please note that the following items are banned from the Kuroshi metro:
- Molecule Vapourisers
- Electric Monopods
- $fruit
- $illegalitem
Wrongdoers will be charged with a minimum KD2200 fine.
A $cause Kuroshi makes for $effect.
[[- end of announcement - ->Announcements]](if: !$inspected)[\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'announcementBoard')[There is a notice board pinned with announcements.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'gospelTract' and !$cardThrown)[There is a card on the floor.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'adBoard')[There is a notice board pinned with advertisements.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'noticeBoard')[There is a Metro information board.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'poster')[There is a poster on the wall.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'oldWoman' and $universeCount > 2)[An old woman is sitting on the benches.
(if: $currentLocation contains 'announcementBoard')[
(link: "Look at the announcements.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "Announcements")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'gospelTract' and !$cardThrown)[
(link: "Pick up the card.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "GospelTract")]
(link: "Throw away the card.")[(goto: "ThrowTract")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'adBoard')[
(link: "Look at the advertisements.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "Advertisements")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'noticeBoard')[
(link: "Look at the metro information board.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "Routes")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'poster')[
(link: "Look at the poster.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "Poster")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'oldWoman' and $universeCount > 2)[
(link: "Approach the old woman.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "OldWoman")]]\
(if: $currentLocation contains 'tracks')[
(link: "Walk over to the tracks.")[(set: $readCount to $readCount + 1)(goto: "Tracks")]]There are three announcements, printed in three different coloured papers.
Read the...
[[red announcement->RedAnnouncement]]
[[blue announcement->BlueAnnouncement]]
[[yellow announcement->YellowAnnouncement]]
[[go back->GoBack]](if: !$inspected) [I walk over to the tracks.
I peer over the tracks and see a $onthetracks.
[[go back->GoBack]]I flip the card over. It is a gospel tract.
It reads:
Are you a good person?
Have you ever stolen something? Even something small like an $stolen?
Then you are a thief.
Have you ever lied? Even the smallest white lie?
Then you are a liar.
Can you still call yourself a good person?
Come find Our Saviour today and be saved.
$paradise is waiting.
$church is waiting.
[[Throw the card away ->ThrowTract]](set: $cardThrown to true)\
(if: !$boarded)[(set: $cardThrownOG to true)(set: $cardThrownTest to true)]\
I toss the card into a nearby trashcan.
[[go back->GoBack]]There are four advertisments.
[[go back->GoBack]]ad-x2031:
Welmilton $wigs!
It's the real deal!
Quote 'Kuroshi Metro' for $discount% off!
[[- end of ad - ->Advertisements]]ad-s4212:
Want to be the hero?
Realise your potential.
Our safety is in our hands.
Kuroshi Field Police Division
Reach us at 109-9909-1022
[[- end of ad - ->Advertisements]]ad-q0292:
Kuroshi Housing Board
Second Quarter Home Bids:
- $estate1
- $estate2
- $estate3
- $estate4
- $estate5
- $estate6
khb.ks/homes/ to begin bidding.
[[- end of ad - ->Advertisements]]ad-s1034:
Biannual Eleventh Fair Conference
12/4 to 23/4
This year's programme include:
\- Fundamentals of $fundamentals
\- Introduction to $introduction
\- Q n A with $qna
\- Screening: $screening
\- $market Flea Market
\- Kids: Understanding $kids
Sign Up at: 11fc.org/register/
Early bird prices till 11/1!
[[- end of ad - ->Advertisements]]Kuro city is served by three lines.
[[Blue Line->BlueLine]]
[[Yellow Line->YellowLine]]
[[Red Line->RedLine]]
First Train: 0630
Last Train: 0030
Adult: KD32
Student: KD26
Child, Elderly, and Handicapped: KD18
[[go back->GoBack]]The poster reads:
31/5 to 14/6
With artists:
Sponsored by:
Raerity, Fulsome Banks, XFCS, Pylons Inc.
[[go back->GoBack]]The old woman is reading a book.
(if: !$approached)[(set: $approached to true)
[[Who are you?->OldWomanWho]]
[[Where am I?->OldWomanWhere]]
[[What are you reading?->OldWomanRead]]
"You look a little lost," she says.
Agree. (click: 'Agree.')[(replace: ?lost)[I nod.](show: ?hint)]
Disagree. (click: 'Disagree.')[(replace: ?lost)[I shake my head.
She shrugs.](show: ?hint)]]]
"I can tell you something about this place."
[[Tell me something about this place.->Hint]]
][Red Line]
Coming soon!
[[- end of line - ->Routes]][Blue Line]
Nine Lakes (T)
24 Apartments
City Hall
New Keno
Ann Bridge
South Gate
Mansion Library
Koru National University
$people Centre
Lumi Parks
Qing Luan (T)
[[- end of line - ->Routes]][Yellow Line]
Kee Ling (T)
Red Forts
$new Dai
City Hall
Koru National University
$people Hospital
Yang Apartments
Wales Avenue
Volume Station
Old Ferry Terminal (T)
[[- end of line - ->Routes]](either: "I wait for the train.", "The train has not arrived.", "The train isn't here yet.", "The train is not here.", "The train hasn't arrived.")(link-show: "I take a sip.", ?myOrder)
I had ordered a...
(link: "Americano")[(replace: ?myOrder)[
I had ordered an americano.(set: $myDrink to 'Americano')(show: ?Sol)]]
(link: "Matcha Latte")[(replace: ?myOrder)[
I had ordered a cup of matcha latte.(set: $myDrink to 'Matcha Latte')(show: ?Sol)]]
(link: "Cappuccino")[(replace: ?myOrder)[
I had ordered a cappuccino.(set: $myDrink to 'Cappuccino')(show: ?Sol)]]
(link: "Elderflower Tea")[(replace: ?myOrder)[
I had ordered a cup of elderflower tea.(set: $myDrink to 'Elderflower Tea')(show: ?Sol)]]
(link: "Iced Chocolate")[(replace: ?myOrder)[
I had ordered an iced chocolate.(set: $myDrink to 'Iced Chocolate')(show: ?Sol)]]
I put my drink down.
[[Sol is looking straight at me.->Destiny]]
](display: "States")(display: "MultiverseTemplate")(display: "OGverseTemplate")(display: "Definitions")(display: "MultiverseGeneration")(set: $universe to 'original')(display: "SaveOGverse")"Do you believe in destiny?" she asks.
(link: '"Yes."')[(set: $destiny to true)(replace: ?reply)[(show:?destinyYes)]]
(link: '"No."')[(set: $destiny to false)(replace: ?reply)[(show:?destinyNo)]]]\
I nod, not quite sure what she's getting at.
She shakes her head, as if in pity.
(link-reveal: "This date was not going exceptionally well.")[
"You need to take control."
"Or you'll find yourself lost without realising it."
[[Sol looks down at her drink again, peering into the cup. ->Illusion]]
I shake my head.
She looks up from her drink and a faint smile is across her face. "Good," she says.
(link-reveal: "Suddenly, her smile drops.")[
Her eyes look at me with… (link-reveal: "pity?")[
"Unfortunately, some things can't be avoided."
This date was not going exceptionally well.
[[Sol looks down at her drink again, peering into the cup. ->Illusion]]
]]]"Destiny is an illusion."
(link-reveal: "She looks up. ")[
(link-reveal: `"You're the one in control."`)[
She looks back into her cup.
"Like this drink."
"There are many drinks I could have ordered, but I ordered this."
(click: "but I ordered this.")[
She keeps silent for a moment. (link-reveal: "I wonder what she's thinking.")[
"You're taking the train home?"
She doesn't look at me. She's still looking into her cup.
(link: '"Yes."')["Yes," I reply.
"[[I need you to do three things for me->Order]]," she asks.
]]]]]"$drink." I repeat, confused.
"You need to remember it," she pushes.
(link-reveal: "Remember it.")[
"Things around you might start to change."
(link: "Change?")[ "Change?" I repeat.
She smiles.
"That's right... and remember to get off at the right stop," she finishes.
[[Remember to get off at the right stop?->Leaving]]
]]Sol suddenly gets up from her seat and leaves.
Before leaving through the door, she suddenly turns around.
(link-reveal: "I barely hear what she says.")[
(link-reveal: `"I'll be waiting for you."`)[
The glass door swings shut behind her.
"$drink," I mutter to myself.
(link: "$drink")[[[I head to the station.->Station]]
]]]There is a seriousness in her voice.
"The drink I ordered," she looks up at me. Her dark eyes are swirling.
[['"$drink?"'->Drink]]I reach the metro station, a block down from the cafe.
Above the station, in big blue letters, it reads…
(link: "NEW KENO STATION")[ New Keno Station.
(link-reveal: "I step into the station.")[
Strange, the station is completely empty.
[[I head down the East Staircase.->EastIn]]
[[I head down the West Staircase.->WestIn]]
[[I take the Elevator.->ElevatorIn]]
I walk over to the east staircase, and head down into the [[station->EastExit]].(set: $inspected to $eastInspected)I walk over to the west staircase, and head down into the [[station->WestExit]].(set: $inspected to $westInspected)I walk over to the elevator, and take it down to the centre of the [[station->Centre]].(set: $inspected to $elevatorInspected)(set: $inspected to $eastInspected)(set: $currentLocation to $eastExit)\
(if: $universe is "original" and $readCount > 6 and !$boarded)[(go-to: "TrainArrive")]\
I am in the east exit.
(display: "WaitForTrain")
(if: !$inspected)[(link: "Look around.")[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]](else:)[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]
[[Go to the west exit.->WestExit]]
[[Go to the station centre.->Centre]]
[[Wait for the train.->WaitTrain]]
(if: $boarded)[[[Leave the station.->LeaveStation]]](set: $inspected to $westInspected)(set: $currentLocation to $westExit)\
(if: $universe is "original" and $readCount > 6 and !$boarded)[(go-to: "TrainArrive")]\
I am in the west exit.
(display: "WaitForTrain")
(if: !$inspected)[(link: 'Look around.')[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]](else:)[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]
[[Go to the east exit.->EastExit]]
[[Go to the station centre.->Centre]]
[[Wait for the train.->WaitTrain]]
(if: $boarded)[[[Leave the station.->LeaveStation]]](set: $inspected to $elevatorInspected)(set: $currentLocation to $elevator)\
(if: $universe is "original" and $readCount > 6 and !$boarded)[(go-to: "TrainArrive")]\
I am in the station centre.
(display: "WaitForTrain")
(if: !$inspected)[(link: 'Look around.')[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]](else:)[(display: "DescribeSurroundings")]
[[Go to the east exit.->EastExit]]
[[Go to the west exit.->WestExit]]
[[Wait for the train.->WaitTrain]]
(if: $boarded)[[[Leave the station.->LeaveStation]]]I take a seat and wait for the train to [[arrive->TrainArrive]].{(if: $universe is 'original')[
(if: $destiny is false)[(set: $ending to 'OriginalEnding')]
(if: $destiny is true)[(set: $ending to 'ShootEnding')]
(if: $universe is 'random')[
(set: $ending to (either: 'ShootEnding', 'KidnapEnding', 'LostEnding', 'OriginalEnding', 'GrandmaEnding'))
(if: $ending is 'OriginalEnding')[[[I exit the station.->OriginalEnding]]]\
(else-if: $ending is 'ShootEnding')[[[I exit the station.->ShootEnding]]]\
(else-if: $ending is 'KidnapEnding')[[[I exit the station.->KidnapEnding]]]\
(else-if: $ending is 'LostEnding')[[[I exit the station.->LostEnding]]]\
(else-if: $ending is 'GrandmaEnding')[[[I exit the station.->GrandmaEnding]]]{(set: $boarded to true)(set: $seatCount to 0)
(if: $universeCount > 2 and $universe is 'random')[(either: (display: "MultiverseGeneration"), (display: "LoadOGverse"))]
(else:)[(display: "MultiverseGeneration")]
(set: $universeCount to $universeCount + 1)
The train is completely empty.
Find a seat. (click: 'Find a seat.')[(replace: ?standOrsit)[I manage to find a seat.](show: ?trainMove)]
Stand. (click: 'Stand.')[(replace: ?standOrsit)[I choose to stand even though there are seats.](show: ?trainMove)]
|trainMove)[The door closes and the train begins to move away from the station.
(link-reveal: "Several minutes pass.")[
The train finally approaches the next station.
I hear the train's automatic announcement.
(click: "announcement")[
"This station, [[New Keno Station->TrainLoop]]."]]]$firstTime[(go-to: "Confusion")]\
The train comes to a stop and the doors open.
[[Get out.->Alight]]
[[Stay on.->StayOn]](link-reveal: "New Keno Station?")[
Did the train go back? What's going on?
The train comes to a stop and the doors open.
(click: 'doors open')[
[[I step out into the station.->FirstAlight]]]
]Something looks different.(set: $firstTime to false)
(click: 'different')[
Something is off.
(click: 'off')[
(if: $currentLocation is $eastExit)[Again, I find myself at the [[east exit->EastExit]].]\
(if: $currentLocation is $westExit)[Again, I find myself at the [[west exit->WestExit]].]\
(if: $currentLocation is $elevator)[Again, I find myself at the [[station centre->Centre]].]
]]I get out of the train.
(if: $currentLocation is $eastExit)[Again, I find myself at the [[east exit->EastExit]].]\
(if: $currentLocation is $westExit)[Again, I find myself at the [[west exit->WestExit]].]\
(if: $currentLocation is $elevator)[Again, I find myself at the [[station centre->Centre]].](if: $seatCount > 5)[(go-to: "TrainEnding")](set: $seatCount to $seatCount + 1)\
[[I stay on the train.->TrainLoop]]"Who are you?" I ask.
She glances towards me and shrugs.
"Just an [[old woman->OldWoman]]," she replies."Where am I?" I ask.
She looks around.
"Looks like [[New Keno Station->OldWoman]] to me," she replies."What are you reading?" I ask.
She shows me the book in her hand.
It's [[(either: 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon', 'Statistical Thermodynamics by Erwin Schrödinger', 'The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick', 'The Grasshopper Lies Heavy by Hawthorne Abendsen', 'The Man Who Folded Himself by David Gerrold', 'Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore')->OldWoman]]."Tell me something about this place," I ask.
(if: !$asked)["(either: "Every meeting here is a first for both of us,", "You need to be more observant. The answer is in this place,", "The train isn't going in a loop, it isn't going in a line either. You could say its travelling laterally,", "You need to get off at the station you got on, my friend,", "Ever heard of Schrödinger's cat? Sometimes, I like to think I'm the cat. And this station is the box,", "All these stations shouldn't even exist, I shouldn't all exist,", "You should only leave when you're sure it's your stop,")" she says.
She goes back to reading her book.(set: $asked to true)
[[go back->GoBack]]]\
(else:)["I already told you," she says."
"You're a smart kid. You'll figure it out."
She goes back to reading her book.
[[go back->GoBack]]
]I head up to the station exit.
(click: "station exit")[
At the staton exit is a familiar figure.]
(click: "familiar figure")[
It's Sol. She's smiling at me.
(click: "smiling")[
"I knew you could make it out..."
"But I need to be sure."]
(click: 'I need to be sure')[
"What was the drink I ordered?"
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
]]I head up to the station exit.
(click: 'station exit')[
At the station exit, I see a familiar figure.
(click: 'familiar figure')[
It's Sol.
She has a gun pointed at me.
(click: 'gun')[
"If you can answer my question, I'll know it's you," she says.
(click: 'question')[
"What was the drink I ordered?"
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
[[(text: (either: ...$baseList) + ', ' + (either: ...$milkList) + ', ' + (either: ...$extraList))->WrongAnswer]]
]]]]I head up to the station exit.
(click: "station exit")[
Outside the station is completely vacant as well.]
(click: "vacant")[
Suddenly a black van pulls up in front of me.
Men dressed in black, faces masked, pour out of the car.
They grab me.]
(click: "They grab me.")[
Scream. (click: 'Scream.')[(replace: ?grab)[I scream but there is no one around to hear me.(show: ?end)]]
Struggle. (click: 'Struggle.')[(replace: ?grab)[I struggle but they just hold onto me tigher.(show: ?end)]]
A rag is put over my mouth and nose.
(click: "mouth and nose")[
I smell something chemical.
Everything turns dark.
(click: "Everything turns dark.")[
(link: "$drinkOG")[VAN IN BLACK ENDING (1/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]]]]I head up to the station exit.
(click: "station exit")[
Outside the station, the streets are empty. There is no one around.]
(click: "no one around")[
Go back down the station. (click: 'Go back down the station.')[(replace: ?lost)[I head back into the station and wait for the train.(show: ?end)]]
Head out. (click: 'Head out.')[(replace: ?lost)[I head out, into a place so familiar but completely strange.(show: ?end)]]
(click: "wait for the train")[
But the train never came.
(click: "But the train never came.")[
(link: "$drink")[KING OF THE HILL ENDING (3/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]]\
(click: "a place so familiar but completely strange")[
I forgot about Sol, about everyone.
(click: "I forgot about Sol, about everyone.")[
(link: "$drinkOG")[KING OF THE HILL ENDING (3/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]]]](if: $asked)[
I head up to the station exit.
(click: "station exit")[
At the station exit, I see a familiar figure.]
(click: "familiar figure")[
It's the old lady.]
(click: "old lady")[
SHe has a gun pointed at me.]
(click: 'gun')[
"Sorry," she says.
She fires the gun.]
(click: "fires the gun")[
"This isn't your stop."
Everything turns dark.]
(click: "Everything turns dark.")[
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]
(else:)[(go-to: (either: "ShootEnding", "KidnapEnding", "LostEnding", "OriginalEnding"))]She shakes her head.
(click: "She shakes her head.")[
I can see tears flowing down her face.
"Wrong," she whispers.
Run. (click: 'Run.')[(replace: ?gun)[(show: ?end)]]
Stand firm. (click: 'Stand firm.')[(replace: ?gun)[(show: ?end)]]
You hear a loud bang and the smell of gunpowder.
Everything turns dark.
(click: "Everything turns dark.")[
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]]](if: $universe is not 'original')[(go-to: "WrongAnswer")]She shakes her head.
(click: "She shakes her head.")[
I can see tears flowing down her face.
She runs over(click:'runs over')[ and hugs me.
"I knew you could make it out," she says].
(click: "make it out")[
"I remembered."
(link: "$drinkOG")[TRIGGER HAPPY ENDING (4/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]](if: $universe is not 'original')[(go-to: "WrongAnswer")](if: $cardThrownTest is $cardThrownOG)[(go-to: "HappyEnding")](else:)[(go-to: "FalseEnding")]She smiles and runs over to me.
"You made it," she says.
(link: "Wait.")["Wait," I pause.
"What was my drink?" I ask.]
(click: 'What was my drink?')[She let's go of me and looks at me quizically.
"It was a (either: "Americano", "Matcha Latte", "Elderflower Tea", "Iced Chocolate", "Cappuccino")."]
(link: '"Yeah, it was."')[EVERYTHING IS OKAY? ENDING (9/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]She smiles and runs over to me.
(click: "runs over to me")[
She pulls me in for a hug.
"You made it," she whispers.
Hug her back. (click: 'Hug her back.')[(replace: ?gun)[I hug her back.(show: ?end)]]
Stay still. (click: 'Stay still.')[(replace: ?gun)[I keep still, unmoving.(show: ?end)]]
(click: "I hug her back.")[
(link: "$drink")[LOST AND FOUND ENDING (6/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]\
(click: "I keep still, unmoving.")[
(link: "$drinkOG")[LOST AND FOUND ENDING (6/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]]]]I fall asleep on the train.
(click: "I fall asleep on the train.")[
I wake up feeling sore all over.
It feels like I've slept an eternity.]
(click: "It feels like I've slept an eternity.")[
I wait for the train to reach the next station,
expecting the announcement for "New Keno Station" over again.]
(click: "New Keno Station")[
But the train never stopped.]
(click: "But the train never stopped.")[
(link: "$drink")[RIDE OF A LIFETIME ENDING (8/9)
(link: "AGAIN")[(reload:)]]](if: $currentLocation is $eastExit)[(set: $eastInspected to true)(go-to: "EastExit")]
(if: $currentLocation is $westExit)[(set: $westInspected to true)(go-to: "WestExit")]
(if: $currentLocation is $elevator)[(set: $elevatorInspected to true)(go-to: "Centre")]The train has arrived.
[[Board the train.->Boarding]](display: "Setup")(align: "=><=")[
(css:"font-size:2rem")[The Train]
by Ivan Chuang